Lezione 4: Figure e numeri: italiano - inglese
Dernière mise à jour : 28 avr. 2024
zero | zero | |
uno | one | |
due | two | |
tre | three | |
quattro | four | |
cinque | five | |
sei | six | |
Sette | seven | |
otto | eight | |
nuovo | nine | |
dieci | ten | |
undici | eleven | |
dodici | twelve | |
tredici | thirteen | |
quattordici | fourteen | |
quindici | fifteen | |
sedici | sixteen | |
diciassette | seventeen | |
diciotto | eighteen | |
diciannove | nineteen | |
venti | twenty | |
ventuno | twenty-one | |
ventidue | twenty two | |
ventitré | twenty three | |
ventiquattro | twenty four |
venticinque | twenty five | |
trenta | thirty | |
trentuno | thirty one | |
quaranta | forty | |
cinquanta | fifty | |
sessanta | sixty | |
Settanta | seventy | |
ottanta | eighty | |
novanta | ninety | |
cento | hundred | |
Centodieci | One hundred and ten | |
centoventi | one hundred and twenty | |
centotrenta | one hundred and thirty | |
centoquaranta | one hundred and forty | |
centocinquanta | one hundred and fifty | |
centosessanta | one hundred and sixty | |
centosettanta | one hundred and seventy | |
centottanta | one hundred eighty | |
centonovanta | one hundred and ninety | |
duecento | two hundred | |
trecento | three hundred | |
quattrocento | four hundred | |
cinquecento | five hundred | |
Seicento | six hundred | |
Settecento | seven hundred |
Ottocento | eight hundred | |
Novecento | nine hundred | |
mille | thousand | |
millecento | thousand one hundred | |
milleduecento | one thousand two hundred | |
milletrecento | one thousand three hundred | |
millequattrocento | one thousand four hundred | |
millecinquecento | one thousand and five hundred | |
milleseicento | one thousand six hundred | |
millesettecento | one thousand seven hundred | |
milleottocento | one thousand eight hundred | |
millenovecento | one thousand nine hundred | |
duemila | two thousand | |
tremila | three thousand | |
quattro mila | four thousand | |
cinquemila | five thousand | |
seimila | six thousand | |
settemila | seven thousand | |
ottomila | eight thousand | |
novemila | nine thousand | |
dieci mila | ten thousand | |
centomila | one hundred thousand | |
milioni | million | |
miliardi | billion |